Comparison between the adults of Elachista freyerella and E. stabilella.
Note the white head in stabilella (A) and the greyish-white head (A) in freyerella
Comparison between the adults of Elachista stabilella and E. freyerella.
Note the white head in stabilella (A) and the greyish-white head (A) in freyerella
Colin Plant notes: The sacculus is convex in incarnatana, whereas in roborana it is concave just after the base. The outer edge of the cucullus is more or less straight in incarnatana whereas it is convex in roborana.
Colin Plant notes: The sacculus is convex in incarnatana, whereas in roborana it is concave just after the base. The outer edge of the cucullus is more or less straight in incarnatana whereas it is convex in roborana.