Close up of initial mine on Echium vulgare - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Mine collected 30 September 2022, photographed 1 October 2022
Young larva exposed in an initial mine on Echium vulgare - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Collected 30 September 2022, photographed 1 October 2022
Double-layered silken cocoon (the pupa is within the central, oval capsule) exposed within mine on Echium vulgare - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Mine collected 30 September 2022, photographed 13 October 2022
Pupal exuviae extruding from mine on Echium vulgare after emergence - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Mine collected 30 September 2022, photographed 19 October 2022
Habitat where mines found on Echium vulgare. This area had the highest density, with young rosettes growing over bare ground on a sheltered, south-facing bank - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory (Moat) - 30 September 2022
A relatively mature larva with grazing mouthparts on Echium vulgare, older larvae develop a black prothoracic plate - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - 29 September 2022
Mine on the underside of a leaf of Echium vulgare. The larva is visible in the top left - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Found 30 September 2022, photographed 1 October 2022
Pupa exposed inside silken cocoon in a mine on Echium vulgare - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Collected 30 September 2022, photographed 20 October 2022
Young larva with sap-feeding mouthparts exposed in a mine on Echium vulgare - UK, Kent (VC15), Dungeness Bird Observatory - Found 30 September 2022, photographed 1 October 2022
Scatterd black frass shown here on a young leaf of Inula conyzae provides an indication of the presence of young larvae, feeding at the base of unrolling leaves - UK, Somerset (VC5), Watchet - 16 April 2022
Young larva feeding at the base of a plant of Inula conyzae, leaving scattered blackish frass on the leaves - UK, Somerset (VC5), Watchet - 16 April 2022
Habitat where larval cases and a single adult found on Genista anglica growing in a flush on lowland heathland - UK, Dorset, Hartland Moor, 2 July 2021
Habitat with larval case feeding on grass (Helictotrichon pratense?) - south-facing slope on chalk downland - UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, 24 April 2022
Larval case in the field on Erigeron acer. The case is hidden in the seedhead, and only visible as a slightly darker area (circled) until seeds are removed. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, 1 September 2022
Larval case on Erigeron acer. Larvae are not normally this visible, but the seeds on this seedhead have been lifted to expose the larva feeding at the base. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, 1 September 2022
Larval case on Erigeron acer. Larvae are not normally this visible, but some seeds on this seedhead have been removed to expose the larva feeding within. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, 1 September 2022
Larval case exposed on Erigeron acer. Larvae are not normally this visible, but some seeds on this seedhead have been removed to expose the larva feeding within. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, coll 1 September 2022, photo 2 September 2022
Larval case exposed on Erigeron acer. Larvae are not normally this visible, but some seeds on this seedhead have been removed to expose the larva feeding within. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, coll 1 September 2022, photo 2 September 2022
Larval habitat with Erigeron acer growing on an arable field edge. There were less than ten plants here, but all were occupied, in contrast to a larger patch a couple of fields away, where no larvae were found. UK, Oxfordshire, Aston Rowant NNR, 1 September 2022.
Parasitised larva in mine on Cornus mas with parasitoid larva (probably Minotetrastichus ecus which was the only species reared from these larvae) - UK, Oxfordshire, Oxford University Parks - coll 12 October 2022, photo 13 October 2022.
Larva at night - Culbone Cliffs - Somerset - 24/06/2021 - One of 38 found in a torchlight survey before midnight, many were resting on grass stems among the foodplant like this.
Mine on broom with inset showing distinctive black egg that separates this species from L. spartifoliella - Bagley Woods - Oxfordshire (VC22) - 14/11/2020
Mine on broom with inset showing distinctive black egg that separates this species from L. spartifoliella - Bagley Woods - Oxfordshire (VC22) - 14/11/2020
White Horehound - Cannington Camp - Somerset - 27/05/2020 - Very high densities of adults and larvae were found on these plants (one or two on each plant) in the afternoon sun
Habitat at Worley Hill - Somerset - 07/06/2020 - A number of larval cases were found on Rock Rose growing over these screes, this species is said to prefer plants on rocky overhangs
Habitat - A low carpet of mouse-ear hawkweed growing over sparse, stony soil - Long Pits - Dungeness - Kent - 01/08/2021 - A single adult was flushed from the vegetation here mid morning.
Habitat - Ploughman's Spikenard growing on a steep, eroding bank - Aston Rowant NNR - Oxfordshire - 09/04/2021 - Good numbers of larvae were found here in one of the only extensive patches of foodplant on the site, with relative ease.
Habitat - Goldenrod growing in among bracken and regenerating scrub on a managed ride-edge - East Blean Woods - Kent - 09/10/2021 - 2 larval cases and a number of damaged plants were found in this area
Larval habitat - Goldenrod growing through bracken on a ride edge - East Blean Woods - Kent - 09/10/2021 - 2 larvae were found on the lower leaves of the goldenrod plants visible growing through bracken here
Larval habitat - Cothill Fen - Oxfordshire (VC22) - 16/10/2021 - Mines were found on the large, lush reeds in the foreground, but not the smaller specimens in the open fen
Habitat - Pulpit Inn Fields - Portland - Dorset - 29/06/2021 - Several adults were found by day around the Fleabane in the foreground, both flushed and swept
Larval habitat - Goldenrod in a ride-side scallop - Clowes Wood - Kent - 10/10/2021 - Larvae were abundant in Goldenrod seedheads here, with 41 found in a check of 15 flower spikes.
Larval habitat - Pine trunks covered with Lepraria lichens - Burnham Beeches - Buckinghamshire - 11/12/2021 - Several larval tubes were found on these trunks, in cracks where the lichen was thickest
Larval habitat of f. jasioneata - Hurlstone Point - Somerset - 18/08/2020 - A single larva was found on Sheep's Bit on the rocky platform in the centre of the image, the only one in a 2.5 hour search
Larval habitat - Nottingham Catchfly seedheads - Dungeness - Kent - 31/07/2021 - Larvae were easily found in good numbers feeding on these seedheads after dark
Larval habitat - Aston Rowant NNR - Oxfordshire - 28/08/2019 - Mines were found on Wild Strawberry growing under the shade of the hazels on the left of this old drove
Habitat - Pellitory of the Wall growing on an old wall - Bossington - Somerset - 10/09/2019 - Adults and mines were abundant on small patches of foodplant like this
Habitat - Golden Samphire growing on cliff edge - East Cliffs - Portland - Dorset - 29/06/2021 - Several adults were flushed around this and seen actively flying at dusk
Habitat - Wild Licquorice growing among scrub in calcareous grassland - Sydlings Copse - Oxfordshire - 06/06/2019 - c30 adults were found flying around and perching on the foodplant in the late morning sun here
Second (top) and first (bottom) instar larvae on Devil's Bit Scabious - Otmoor Ranges - Oxfordshire - 23/06/2021 - Larval densities at this newly-colonised site were extremely high.
Larva and eggs on Devil's Bit Scabious (left) and Meadow Thistle (right) - Otmoor Ranges - Oxfordshire - 23/06/2021 - Densities of eggs and larvae were very high at this newly-colonised site.
Larva on Ploughman's Spikenard - Feeding damage (wilted central leaves, black/brown frass) is shown on the right, and the exposed larva (once the wilted leaves were removed) on the left - Aston Rowant NNR - Oxfordshire - 09/04/2021
Larval case on Blue Fleabane - the case is initially only visible as a slight dark area within the seed head, but becomes more obvious as seeds are removed - Aston Rowant NNR - Oxfordshire - 10/10/2019
Larval case on Blue Fleabane - Cases are difficult to spot inside seedheads, appearing just as a darker area within the seedhead (here in the bottom right) - Aston Rowant NNR - Oxfordshire - 10/10/2019